Hôtel Charmante

As you step inside the doors of Hôtel Charmante, you are welcomed by early 20th century Paris. The wallpapers are bold and distinctive, carefully chosen to reflect the character and atmosphere of the place.

Experience a luxurious time travel experience in the heart of Bergen at Hôtel Charmante. The attention to detail here is unrivalled. The Light Group is proud to have contributed with LED strips and power supply to this unique and distinctive project.

Charmante 11
Charmante 7
Charmante 5

The unique combination of design and safety

For safety reasons, it was necessary to install LED lights in the corridors. These are activated in the event of a fire alarm.

In this project, nothing is left to chance. In collaboration with Bergen Installasjon and SignalTech, we developed an innovative solution that maintains safety - while illuminating the interior in accordance with the interior architect's vision.


How did we do it?

RGBW LED strips, controlled by DMX, were installed in the handrails along the corridor walls and connected to the fire alarm. A dedicated battery bank ensures that the lights work even in the event of a power cut. This maintains safety without a visible light source - except in emergencies.


The unique combination of design and safety

The interior designer's vision

To highlight the colours in the hallway wallpaper and carpets, we chose LED strips in RGBW instead of white light. This helps to create the desired atmosphere in line with the interior designer's vision for the corridors, while also providing the opportunity to adjust the light colour on special occasions.

Charmante 10
Charmante 15
Charmante 4
Charmante 8

An ingenious solution!
The 10 metre RGBW LED strips, saved us a lot of work with the power supply.

Geir Myrdal
Project manager and installer at Bergen Installasjon

The stairs

The hotel's stairs represent precision craftsmanship with carefully selected carpet patterns.
The LED strips for the stairs were supplied in collaboration with O. Solberg Thomsen.

Charmante 6
Charmante 3
Charmante 2

We are very pleased that we got the LED strips customized to each step.
This made the installation process swift and efficient.

Sven-Edvard Haugland
Project manager at O. Solberg Thomsen

The devil is in the details

Part of the original stone wall has been retained. To show it off, an LED strip has been installed that shines down and emphasises both the structure and the details.

Nothing has been left to chance.

The devil is in the details

Thank you for the collaboration.

The main installation was carried out by Bergen Installasjon.
Project Manager: Geir Myrdal (installer)

The staircase was supplied by O. Solberg Thomsen through the staircase supplier.
Project Manager: Sven-Edvard Haugland

Both of these companies are members of EL-PROFFEN.

Contributing to this project, in collaboration with skilled and creative professionals, has been incredibly exciting and rewarding.

Bjarte Søraa
Project Manager at Lyskomponenter

Thank you for the collaboration.

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