Installation Guide


Correct installation of LED strips is the key to a durable and reliable solution.

By following our installation guide, you'll ensure optimal functionality, a long service life, and a result that both looks good and performs over time. Avoid common mistakes and lay the foundation for a lighting solution.

Does and donts
What you need

Step by step

Step by step

Useful information

  • Ensure you have selected the correct IP grade needed for the environment where you are installing the LED strip.

  • Make sure the surface area is clean and dry. Evaluate if you need to dot glue the LED strip when mounted in environments with extra hard conditions of moisture, dust, or vibrations.

  • Recommended 3M tape application temperature above +10°C.

  • LED strips are moisture and electrostatic-sensitive devices. Handel with extreme care. Isolate the cut point according to the IP degree of the LED strip.

  • Be careful when unboxing the LED strip not to damage the LED strip. Keep in mind the lowest bending radius of your specific LED strip.

  • Never remove the LED strip after installation. The LED strip will be damaged if you try to adjust or remove it. The service life and warranty will then be void.

  • Check that the LED strip works as intended before putting the cover on the aluminium profile. This is particularly important when installing LED strips in challenging and inaccessible places.

  • Remember: The professional installer is responsible for fitting the LED strip correctly. The Light Group is not responsible for products that are installed incorrectly.

Other relevant documents

Here you can download other relevant guides for LED strips, whether you are going to use our Connector clips for COB strips or IP67 cutting kits.

Other relevant documents