Transparency Act and The Light Group

Transparency Act

The Light Group aims to create lighting solutions for a sustainable future. We aim to be a catalyst for responsible and sustainable operations, which is part of our ongoing work for improvements. This memo explains the company's work with due diligence assessments related to human rights, decent working conditions, and ethical trade in line with the requirements of the Transparency Act § 5, enacted by the Norwegian Parliament on July 1, 2022.

Purpose of the Transparency Act

The Transparency Act aims to promote businesses' respect for human rights and decent working conditions in producing goods, providing services, and ensuring public access to information. The Consumer Authority will provide guidance and monitor compliance with the Act. More information on the Transparency Act can be found on the Norwegian Consumer Authority's website.

Company Organization and Operational Area

The Light Group AS markets and sells lighting fixtures in Norway and Europe. In Europe, goods are sold through the subsidiary TLG GmbH, and only our brand, SLC, is sold. In Norway, most sales are of our SLC brand, but we also have a significant proportion of goods from other European suppliers. The Norwegian operation has its headquarters in Kristiansand, with branch offices in Hamar, Sandefjord, Bergen, Trondheim, and Bodø. Lyskomponenter AS and TLG GmbH are wholly-owned subsidiaries of The Light Group AS (TLG).

Guidelines and Procedures

Our global presence requires our employees and business partners to take responsibility—for themselves and others. The Light Group has developed ethical guidelines that cover our business principles, human rights, working conditions, and the environment, as well as follow-up and information. All employees in the group are obliged to follow these guidelines.

Code of Conduct

We have also developed a Code of Conduct (CoC) for our partners, requiring all suppliers to confirm and sign our CoC. These guidelines deal with human rights and working conditions. The objective is for the supply chain to confirm compliance with this every year.

Supplier Visits

We visit our suppliers regularly. We see vital suppliers more often than others. Visits to suppliers are crucial for gaining insights into a company's culture and organization and assessing whether conditions align with our ethical guidelines.

Due Diligence Assessments

The Light Group AS has conducted systematic due diligence assessments among our suppliers and supply chain. The purpose is to identify actual and potential negative impacts on workers and human rights.

Risk Assessment

The company's risk of causing or contributing to violations of fundamental human rights and decent working conditions is considered low. The risk directly related to the company through its supply chain and business partners is assessed as low to medium.

Monitoring and Follow-Up

We closely monitor and have been tracking due diligence related to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions for years. These are essential criteria when we decide to collaborate or end partnerships with our suppliers.

Reporting Mechanisms

The Light Group encourages all our employees, suppliers, and business partners to report any violations of The Light Group's ethical guidelines and other procedures.